Share the Spirit of Giving
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care is excited to announce its 16th annual Christmas Wish campaign, inviting Thunder Bay and surrounding district communities to help fill Christmas Wish bags for children in need this holiday season. Individuals, families, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to participate in this community tradition, known for its iconic red Christmas Wish bags.
Since its inception, the Christmas Wish campaign has delivered more than 9,000 Wish bags across the Thunder Bay district, including in 13 First Nations, spreading joy and support to thousands of local families.
Join Dilico Anishinabek Family Care and help fill hundreds of Christmas Wish bags for babies, children & youth in need this holiday season.
1. Pick up a Christmas Wish Bag at one of the participating locations OR sign up online.
2. Fill your Christmas Wish Bag with essential items, toys or gift cards according to your child profile (profile tag is attached to your Christmas Wish Bag).
- Other gift suggestions: learning and art supplies, books, socks, tooth brush, mitts, hat, sweater. *Please do not wrap your gifts. You are welcome to include a card with a special Christmas wish message.
3. Return your filled wish bag BY MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd.
Dilico Health and Wellness
17 Court Street South
Thunder Bay, ON
(next to Goods & Co)
November 14- November 29 (Mon – Fri)
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
200 Anemki Place
Fort William First Nation, ON
November 14- December 2 (Mon-Fri)
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Goods and Co
251 Red River Rd
November 14- December 2
Time: 11:00 am -7:00 pm (Wed- Fri) 10 am- 4:00 pm (Sat- Sun)
Starbucks – Arthur Street Marketplace Walmart
1165 Arthur Street W
November 14 – December 2
Time: 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Starbucks – Thunder Centre
949 Fort William Rd.
November 14 – December 2
Time: 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Dilico Elves will be hosting Pop Up Booths in the community with Wish bags available for pickup along Christmas Wish Cards that you can purchase. The cards are a meaningful way to show you care. Each card represents a donation to the Christmas Wish campaign, helping fill even more Wish bags.
Christmas Wish Pop Up Booths:
Creekside’s Holiday Local Artisan Market Sat. November 16th: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Craft Revival Sun. November 24th: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Magnus Theatre’s Elf the Musical: Sat. November 30th
Contact our elves for assistance:
Elf Line: (807) 626-7974 or e-mail: christmaswish@dilico.com
Charitable giving is a wonderful way to feel the spirit of Christmas and give a little joy. The Dilico Christmas Wish Campaign will help make the holidays so much brighter for children and families who sometimes find the season to be a difficult time.
What should go in a Christmas Wish bag?
Gift suggestions include: learning and art supplies, books, socks, tooth brush, mitts, hat, sweater.
*Please do not wrap your gifts. You are welcome to include a card with a special Christmas Wish message. We ask that you do not include candy.
What do I do if I sign up online and don’t have a Christmas Wish Bag?
Please bring your items in a shopping bag. Make sure to label your shopping bag(s) with your profile number. This can be done by writing it on a piece of paper and placing it inside the bag. You can also staple it to the bag. This is VERY important to assist the elves in getting your gift to the proper child in need.
The Dilico elves will then transfer your items into a red Christmas Wish bag for you.
Where do I drop off the items for my Christmas Wish profile?
Wish bag items can be dropped off at Dilico Health and Wellness – 17 Court Street South or Dilico head office – 200 Anemki Place, Fort William First Nation
The bag can then be brought to the door for drop off. They will check your profile number.
Where do I drop off my filled wish bag?
Filled Christmas Wish bags can be dropped off Dilico Health and Wellness or Dilico Anishinabek Family Care Main Office
Dilico Health and Wellness
17 Court Street South, Thunder Bay
Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
200 Anemki Place, Fort William First Nation
Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Dilico Health and Wellness
17 Court Street South
Thunder Bay, ON
November 16 – December 5 (Mon-Fri)
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
200 Anemki Place
Fort William First Nation, ON
November 16 – December 5 (Mon-Fri)
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
10 Bag Challenge
Calling all local businesses to help make wishes come true!
This holiday season, Dilico Anishinabek Family Care is challenging the business community to make a lasting impact through the Christmas Wish 10 Bag Challenge.
By participating, businesses have the opportunity to fill 10 personalized Christmas Wish bags for children in need. It’s more than just a donation—it’s a chance to come together, give back, and inspire others to do the same.
Will You Take the Challenge?
Have 15 or more bags?
Schedule a pick up with our elves:
(807) 626-7974 or email: christmaswish@dilico.com
Meegwetch to our 2024 Sponsors:
Sovereign Dental
Goods and Co.
Creekside Nursery & Garden Centre
CKPR 91.5