Child, Youth & Family Services
We work together to build on strengths and encourage the development of new skills for various challenges. Children’s Services are available for Indigenous residents in Dilico’s jurisdiction and for children in the care of Dilico and their caregivers.
Children’s Services
Access Network
The Access Network provides a single point of access to children’s services and supports for families in Thunder Bay and District. Services and supports are voluntary which is family and client centred focusing on intake, assessment, client advocacy to assist clients with accessing Children’s Mental Health and Parent/Caregiver Supports
If you have a child or know of a child who you feel would benefit from Dilico Anishinabek Family Care Mental Health services, please access our Online Referral or contact the Access Network @ 1-855-486-5037 (for both In-city and District) to discuss making a referral.
Clinical Services
Service Overview
- Direct Client Consultation
- Assessment & Diagnosis
- Intervention/Parenting & School-based Strategies
- Treatment Recommendations
- Clinician to Clinician & Program Consultations
- Access to Tele-Link Mental Health via agency satellite offices
- Follow up Services
- Assistance with completing referral information/ consultation
- Linkage to appropriate Clinical Associate available
Services can be initiated by contacting the Clinical Services Case Manager at 855-623-8511 Ext: 5816 or by faxing referral forms (see links below) to 807-626-7999.
Health Information Disclosure Consent Form, Tele-Link Mental Health Referral Sheet,Consent Psych Services Form
School Based Services
School Based Intensive Treatment Service
Provides a strength focused approach of mental health support and prevention services to address the needs of youth identified as experiencing difficulty functioning in a regular classroom environment due to social, emotional or behavioural concerns.
Service Overview
- Program runs from September to June of each year; youth attend daily
- Effective, evidence-based practices
- Assessment/Treatment/Behavioural Programming/Consultation and Follow up
- Partnership with the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board for Academic Programming
- Transition support back to Community School
Family Preservation Services
Service Overview
- Services for approximately 4-6 months with direct access to workers
- Provides effective, evidence-based practices
- Assessment
- Culturally-based parenting strategies
- Help families develop skills in effective parenting, behaviour & anger management, problem solving and communication
- Assists with accessing other support services
Transitional Support Program
Provides brief transitional support services back into the community for individuals who are being discharged from inpatient services in Adult Mental Health and Children and Adolescent Mental Health at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Center.
Service Overview
- Counselling
- Case Management
- Referrals to longer term supports
For more information please contact the Transitional Discharge Workers:
Home for Good Program
Housing Outreach Program-Collaboration (HOP-C)
Provides wrap around housing and mental health supports for youth who are exiting homelessness or are at risk of being homeless.
- Case management
- Cultural wellness supports
- Counselling
- Peer mentorship
Infant Child Development Services
Service Overview
- Home Visits
- Screenings and Assessments (i.e. Fair Start)
- Individual Treatment Plans based on the family’s vision
- Therapeutic Play Sessions with children
- Triple P Positive Parenting Program
- Advocacy/work with other professionals to provide support needed
- Circle of Security Programming
Abiinojishiik-amino-yawook EarlyON Child and Family Centre
Abiinojiishiik-amino-yawook EarlyON Child and Family Centre
Abiinojiishiik-amino-yawook EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free drop-in programs for caregivers and children from birth to 6 years old. You can learn and play with your child, meet people or get advice.
Service Overview
- A culturally safe, relevant and respectful environment for families with young children
- Determines early identification of developmental and other psychosocial needs
- Assists young children to be school ready and developing socialization skills
Native Child & Family Services
Osh-ki-niig Mash-ka-zii-win
Service Overview
- Service is guided by the 7 Sacred Teachings; Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility and Truth
- Strength-Based Approach
- Parental, Caregiver involvement required
- Land-Based and Treatment-Focused Activities that promote Physical, Social and Cultural Benefits
- In partnership with the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board; 3 hours of educational instruction provided each day
- Planned discharge from an out-of-home service to support successful transitions
Stop Now and Plan
A proven program that teaches children with behavioural problems and their parent/caregiver(s) how to make better choices “in the moment”. The primary goal of SNAP® is to help children to stop and think before they act and keep them in school and out of trouble.
Service Overview
- For youth ages 6-11, experiencing serious behavioural problems at home, at school, with persons in authority
- Suitable for children with multiple risk factors and challenges (e.g. lower grades, dropping out of high school, mental or physical health issues) and are at a greater risk of criminal/violent behaviour
- Evidence-based model
- Supports the improvement of parent/caregiver-child relationships by teaching effective parenting/caregiving skills
Youth Outreach Program
Service Overview
- Services youth 12-21 years of age through direct engagement with youth on the streets
- Youth Outreach Workers work in partnership with families, educators and community programs
- Do not provide crisis intervention or transportation; not intended to be primary source of engagement
- Intended to reduce risk factors; lack of school engagement, anti-social peer group associations, low community attachment, lack of positive relationships with supportive adults, lack of services
Baby, Infant & Toddler Services
Infant Child Development Services
Dilico provides an integrated approach to infant and young child development in a family-centered intervention that is responsive to parent/caregivers’ strengths, competencies and priorities. If you have an infant or child under the age of 6, who is experiencing developmental, behavioural or social difficulties, we can help with:
- Home Visits
- Screenings and Assessments
- Individual Treatment Plans based on the family’s vision
- Therapeutic Play Sessions with children
- Triple P Positive Parenting Program
- Advocacy/work with other professionals to provide support needed
- Circle of Security Programming
Abiinojiishiik-amino-yawook EarlyON Child and Family Centre
Abiinojiishiik-amino-yawook EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free drop-in programs for caregivers and children from birth to 6 years old. You can learn and play with your child, meet people or get advice.
- A culturally safe, relevant and respectful environment for families with young children
- Determines early identification of developmental and other psychosocial needs
- Assists young children to be school ready and developing socialization skills