Cultural Programs & Services
Biimaadiziwin Wiidookaagewin means
“Good Life Helper” in Ojibwe.
The Biimaadiziwin Wiidookaagewin Cultural Program connects you and your family with spiritual guidance, local Elders, traditional teachings, and tools for the mind and spirit.
Cultural services can be provided to support children and families on healing journeys to support them to stay connected, or to reconnect with culture and traditions.
The Cultural Program shares cultural awareness, teachings, values and traditions with all individuals accessing our services. We focus on connecting you and your family to holistic healing with spiritual guidance, traditional teachings and language through local Elders and cultural resources. Our team and various community knowledge holders share about medicines, cultural protocols, Anishinabek song and dance, and crafts about the Anishnabek life.
Client Related Services
Home Visits
An Elder, along with cultural staff, visit a family at their home for cultural support and traditional counselling.
Sacred Circles
An Elder to facilitate a sacred healing circle to deal with family issues, letting go, grief support, conflict resolution and more.
Spirit Naming Ceremony
An Elder with the gift of retrieving names to give a spirit name to an individual in ceremony;
Regalia-Making (Project Funded)
Learn to use a sewing machine and the art of creating traditional regalia. The new regalia is feasted in ceremony before the Dilico annual powwow from April to June.
Traditional Healing/Counselling
One-on-one appointment with an Elder and cultural employee. Our Traditional Healer may provide counselling, direction and provision of medicines and use of sacred items and specific gifts given to the Elder.
Traditional Parenting
An 8-module program based on Anishinabek teachings, history and parenting practices.
Dilico annual powwow – Gakina Maamawedaa Everyone Together is held in June after the Regalia Making Project with a grand entry, the annual Effie Zoccole Award, Special Events, Hand-drum Special, feast and giveaway.
Community Based Programs
Everyone is Welcome. Be sure to follow our events page and visit us on Facebook for more information.
Gaa-nii-ba-wich Makoo (Standing Bear)
Sweat Lodge Ceremony
Hand-Drum Singing & Teachings
Things to know about attending a sweat lodge:
Bring a large towel, clothing for going into the lodge (skirt and t-shirt for women, shorts for men), bottle of water and an offering of tobacco (a cigarette, a pack of cigarettes, pouch of tobacco, or tobacco wrapped in a small square of cloth (tobacco tie). If you do not have tobacco, you can ask for some onsite. Other gifts may be given to express your gratitude to the sweat lodge keeper and the fire-keeper, such as a towel, a blanket, a braid of sweetgrass, or a money/gift card, etc.
It is also customary to share a food offering with the group after the sweat. If you can, please bring a dish of prepared food offering dish will be made for the ceremony.
Effie Zoccole Award
Elder Effie Zoccole is a very special past employee of Dilico Anishinabek Family Care. Over the years, she has given the organization many of her gifts, working for more than 27 years in the finance department. She is a pioneer for cultural programming at Dilico and is known for always ensuring that the Anishinabek way of life was incorporated into all of the things we did, including smudging ceremonies and annual feasts.
Effie has touched the lives of so many people in the Dilico family. When Effie retired, the Effie Zoccole Award was created and is presented year after year to employees who encompass her drive and determination to in promoting culture.
- 2016 – 1st Annual – Effie Zoccole
- 2017 – Crystal McLeod
- 2018 – Georgina Redsky
- 2019 – Charlene Tyance
Kookum’s Place.
Kookum’s Place was introduced in February of 2017. Located at 78-1 Limbrick Place, the site offers a holistic healing community program, including cultural programs and teachings, mental health sessions, addictions programming, parenting and youth groups and health services.
Onsite programs include:
- Hand-Drumming Teachings and Socials
- Cultural Teachings and Crafts
- Grandfather Drum Teachings and Socials
Gii-we-go-zi-win Coming Home Ceremony
Moving Back Home Ceremonies-Out of Care
After being in care, it’s important to welcome children back into their biological family home. As a part of the Mikinaak Model of Care, Dilico Anishinabek Family Care celebrates with our families and communities by having a Coming Home Ceremony.
Gii-we-go-zi-win ceremonies include everyone who was involved with the child joining together for the ceremony, which include family along with the Alternative Caregivers.
It’s important in ceremony to have all those who care for the child to smudge and to share about their journey while holding the sacred eagle feather. This helps the child return home to their family and community and is truly what caring is all about.
“The Teddy Bears are created with the traditional medicines for the children who are returning home. While they are being made, we pray for the child who will be receiving the sacred bear and pray they will get a lot of good hugs.”
“I am a Sacred Medicine Teddy Bear!
The 4 sacred medicines are inside me in the front for you to smell whenever you hug me!
Tobacco (giving thanks),
Cedar (cleansing/grounding),
Sage (release negative energy) &
Sweetgrass (promotes positive energy & kindness)
Please give me a name & hug me often.