An Integrated Model
Connecting Services Around Individual, Family and Community Needs.
The Dilico Integrated Model of Care is about more than child welfare. It’s a circle of support that brings together a wide range of individual, family and community services and programs to address issues related to child welfare, mental health & addictions, and primary health.
First introduced in 2014, Dilico’s Integrated Model of Care ensures that families, children and communities have access to holistic supports and programming, in addition to core child welfare services. These additional supports and programs include cultural, mental health, addictions primary health care and counselling services.
The model provides solutions to reduce the impacts of long wait times, while supporting the diverse health and wellness needs of children, youth and families throughout the entire life journey.
Dilico’s integrated approach to care recognizes that there are root cause problems that lead individuals and families to child welfare services.
It brings all services together, instead of dividing them, to ensure that families with children are provided prevention-based supports across the practices of Child Welfare, Mental Health and Health Care.
From the early stages of a baby’s life to the guardian years of our Elders, the Integrated Model of Care focuses on promoting wellness, preventing illness, healing from trauma, and providing diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.