
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care’s Board of Directors are responsible for setting the long-term vision for Dilico and providing guidance for operational efficiencies. All Directors are independent from the management team and represent the First Nations in Dilico’s service area.

Meet our Board of Directors

Shirley Tyance

August 20, 1996 Long Lake 58 First Nation


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Shirley is the President of the Board and was appointed by the community of Long Lake 58 First Nation and is in her third year on the Board. She is currently employed as a Metis Family Wellbeing Coordinator. Shirley’s educational background is in teaching. She has 35 years’ experience in Social Services and 20 years’ experience in Child Care and Education. Shirley is an experienced facilitator in Traditional teachings and traditional parenting. She has been trained in many areas: ASIST, Safe Talk, First Aid Mental Health, First Aid/CPR, B Safer.

Michelle Ward

Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg
(Pic Mobert First Nation)

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Michelle Ward is the Vice President of the Board and a member of Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg where she resides with her husband John, son Ryder and their beloved dachshund, Queenie.

Michelle acquired her college diploma from Confederation College in 2015 in Native Child and Family Services and continued her post-secondary education at Lakehead University where she completed her Honors Bachelor of Social Work in 2018. Michelle has been in social and community service work for over 15 years and was recently elected as a member of leadership for her community in November of 2021. Michelle was provided the honour to sit on the Board of Directors as requested from Chief Kwissiwa and accepted the opportunity to extend her knowledge, experience, and education to assist in the guidance and direction of the agency and the communities it serves.

At the community level Michelle has engaged in numerous roles in the community wellness field and her current position in the organization is as Mental Health Program Coordinator in the health department for Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg. Michelle is passionate about providing equal opportunity to her membership and strength-based approaches to services for her community both on and off reserve. Michelle works diligently to secure adequate mental health and addiction support services for her community along with opportunities for holistic engagement that would lead to positive long-term changes at the grassroots level.

Donald A. Humphries

October 12, 1954
Michipicoten First Nation

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Donald is the Secretary/Treasurer and has been on the Board of Directors for seven years. He has a Bachelor of Social Work from Lakehead University as well as a Masters of Social Work from York University. Donald worked in the field of Child Welfare for over 31 years; 5 years for Alberta Social Services and 26 years for the Childs Aid Society of Algoma. All of his social work career occurred in rural communities and he was a Supervisor/Manager for 25 years. He has a Voluntary Social Services Management Certificate from York Univeristy and is a certified trainer for OACAS. At times, he taught college courses in Family Violence and Rural Social, and supervised College and University Field Placements. Donald has also written numerous social policies and funding proposals over the last 35 years.

Garland Moses

Biigtigong Nishnaabeg
(Pic River First Nation)

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TBA – Vacant

Chief Michele Solomon

Fort William First Nation

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Chief Michele Solomon is a representative of Fort William First Nation. She has served on the Board for four years. She is currently employed as a Community Development Manager by the Ontario Native Women’s Association. She has five years of management experience, and twelve years of experience working in Mental Health and Addictions. Michele possesses a Social Service Worker Diploma and a Bachelor Arts Indigenous Learning. She has a certificate in Management Training from Schulich and has been on Council for Fort William First Nation for six years.

Kelly Fortier

October 22, 1977
Ginoogaming First Nation

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Kelly was appointed as a Board of Director by the community of Ginoogaming First Nation and is serving her third year on the Board. She is currently employed by Ginoogaming First Nation as the Community Health Representative / Registered Practical Nurse. She also worked for her community as the Prescription Drug Coordinator for six years. Kelly also has experience as a Family Support Worker. She was elected and has served more than six years on Band Council for Ginoogaming First Nation. She is also the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Mazinaajim Childrens Foundation.

Chief Wilfred King

Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek
(Gull Bay First Nation)

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Chief Wilfred King has been on the Board of Directors for eight years and has served two terms as the Vice-President of the Board. He represents his community of Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek.

Tracy Gibson

Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek
(Sand Point First Nation)

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Tracy was appointed to the Board of Dilico to represent Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek.  This is Tracy’s first term on the Council of BNA and her first year on the Board of Dilico. Previously to her being elected to Council, Tracy worked in the Governance Coordinator role for her First Nation for 5 years. Her previous work experience included 10 years in banking and 17 years as an Accounts Payable Clerk for a privately owned company. Tracy was born and raised in Thunder Bay, due to the displacement of Sand Point Members by the government back in the 50’s.  Tracy is passionate about her First Nation and is thrilled to be a part of the redevelopment of Sand Point First Nation, the land that her father once called home.  


Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek

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TBA – Vacant

Matthew Goodchild

Pays Plat First Nation

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Bio coming soon

Jolene Cote

Red Rock Indian Band

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Bio coming soon

Diana Nayanookeesic

March 19, 1958
Whitesand First Nation

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Diana was appointed by Chief and Council and represents Whitesand First Nation. She has served as a Board of Director for 3 years. She has worked for Whitesand First Nation for 25 years and held various positions since then. She is currently employed as the Indian Registration Administrator. She is also a Board of Director for Biidaaban Healing Lodge.


Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek

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TBA – Vacant

Senior Management

Dilico has brought together strong leaders, professionals, teachers and families to create a custom culture of care. Together, we guide, advocate and care for Anishinabek children, families and communities to help them connect with their culture and achieve incredible things.

Meet our Senior Management team:

  • Executive Director: Darcia Borg
  • Associate Executive Director: John Dixon
  • Director of Finance and Corporate Services: Kevin Green
  • Director of Health Services: Natalie Paavola
  • Director of Child Welfare: Vanessa McLaughlin


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